There are several important career opportunities available for those who earn an online Doctor of Educational Psychology degree. With a career in psychology, your abilities and talents will put you in the position to help many people. In educational psychology, as the name suggests, you most likely will want to focus your attention on children in an educational setting, although, some branches may require you to work with various age groups, such as adolescents or young adults.

The School Psychologist is the most common career choice for a doctoral degree holder in educational psychology. They generally will work closely with a student to help correct behavioral problems or developmental disorders. Most likely, you will also work closely with the child’s family and classroom teachers to help assess the issues, implement a course of action, as well as, follow through with helping the child achieve their goals. Often, children just need the ability to communicate effectively to help them express their thoughts and feelings. Educational Psychologists are equipped to help students with their cognitive development, social skills and assist in administering the proper learning method for each individual child, if needed. The salary of a School Psychologist is the same as most psychologists, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, which was on average at $87,550 annually in May 2033, however, some reported salaries upwards of $128,800 annually and as low as $53,040 per year. A position as a School Psychologist will require state licensure.

Within a school setting, you may also have several choices of specialization to consider as you help children of all ages develop emotionally and academically. An Adolescent Psychologist focuses their attention on teenagers, which includes middle school and high school-aged children. They are equipped to help the teenager who is maturing and coping with the pressures of puberty, peer pressure, moral beliefs, as well as, their emotional growth and academic success.

As a Social Psychologist, it is important to help the student adjust to different personalities and cultural differences. They often teach students how to act responsibly in social settings.

You may also choose to concentrate in special education. As some students have special needs, such as developmental disabilities, they need help in transitioning from elementary school into middle school or, even into high school and college. Students who are gifted and talented often need help with academics because they may learn faster than the average child. Therefore, as they become bored, advanced and challenging learning plans need to be implemented to promote interest and growth. The average salary for these positions, as well, is comparable to most other psychologist’s salary.

As a Post-Secondary Teacher or Professor in Educational Psychologist, your salary may vary depending on at what level you are teaching. Generally, an educator’s salary can range from between $85,320 annually to upwards of $110,00 per year at top universities. In addition, those interested in research on this topic can earn a similar salary at top research institutions, while analyzing why certain students require specific educational formats, in addition to, discovering other helpful solutions.

Occasionally, with an online Doctor of Educational Psychology degree, one may decide to transition into the administration side of psychology within a school system. An Education Administrator plays a very important position in developing educational programs for those with special needs or who require additional academic assistance. You may be tasked with helping educators assess a student’s needs, as well as, helping to train teachers in effective learning methods. Administrators offer support to both students and faculty. In this capacity, you may earn an average of $99,940 annually, depending on your experience, education, job responsibilities and job location.

If you would like to learn more about this topic, please see our list for the Best Online Doctor of Educational Psychology Degree Programs that we have compiled for your review. A career in this field can be very rewarding!